
Come to Rome!

Travel grants for PhDs and Postdocs

Heads up! The deadline for travel grants applications is over.

The 2nd International Conference on Ethics of Engineering Life (ICEEL) invites young researchers to come to Rome and discuss with leading experts the ethical challenges of Engineering Life. If you are a researcher (PhD or Postdoc) in the field of bioethics, biology, molecular systems engineering, medicine, philosophy, theology, sociology, law a.o., and would like to participate in this extraordinary forum, this could be the opportunity you have been looking for.

We are planning to have dedicated showcase presentation sessions where young researchers will present their academic and/or professional work in a flash presentation format (length between 5 - 7 minutes).

Participating in the program will provide you with a unique opportunity to present your views and opinions on Ethics of Engineering Life. You can submit your outstanding abstract below to be considered for a presentation.

We will offer a limited number of travel grants covering travel and accommodation costs.

Heads up! Deadline for application is May 31, 2024.

Abstract submission and travel grant application

Basic info
Abstract details

The abstract should provide a short overview of the talk you would like to present at ICEEL. Include the title along with your abstract.

Please do not include images, tables or attachments.


Please submit a short CV (in PDF format) to facilitate the evaluation process.


All submissions will undergo a review process.
Final notification of acceptance will be by the end of June 2024.

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